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Navigating Storms

Thrive in the moments. Learn to use the Storm.

Strategize Your ACTIONS and Structure your time.

Navigate with or without a map.

Live your possibilities, not your problems.

Feel exhilarated and inspired, not drained.

Get Destination Clarity. What and Where You Want To Go.

Set your sails. Learn the best strategies to use this storm.

Because LIFE IS How we Navigate It!

Goal Setting

To set a course, we need to know where we are, and where we want to go. We’ve got to have guideposts or markers to measure our progress.

Relationship Coaching

The MOST important relationship is with yourself.  How you show up is based upon what you believe.  Beliefs are under our command, though not always conscious.  We base all other relationships upon that.

Stress Management

STRESS. It’s a word that describes a feeling which describes a condition.  The exact cause of the stress may seem clear, obscure, or somewhere in between.  How we meet it, how we navigate it, will often affect its impact.

Career Coaching

We are all creators at heart.  Yet how we choose to  define our priorities, achieve our goals or execute our tasks, can spell the difference between success or the mundane. Our outcomes are a result of vision, timing, situational awareness, and decision-making, and the actions we take.

 Why a Coach?

Albert Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” It is difficult to change our thinking using the same set of beliefs,  the same thoughts, the same frame of reference which got us to this point in our lives.  After all,  why is this situation showing up right now?  Things which you think you cannot change, or you don’t know how, will bind you to a similar future. Yes, things could be different than they are now. Still, it is impossible to create a different situation using the same tools which created the one in front of you right now. Something outside of your normal course of thinking is necessary.  Find yourself a coach.   


 It seems to be coming from everywhere, slamming us into walls and corners. Stress can come in peaks or waves or be an endless onslaught.  Inevitably, stress releases an endless array of chemicals into our bodies and steals possibilities of peace from our minds. It reduces our immune function, makes us tired, and robs us of the joys in the present moment. 


If stress had a big brother, it would be overwhelm.  It can leave us feeling powerless, not able to affect our world, or simply gob-smacked.  The great boxer, Ali referred to it when he coined the phrase “rope-a-dope”.  Overwhelm is a state of mind which we can leave behind–when we know how. 

Loss of Compass

Our life is a result of a series of decisions. Some of these are made from an earlier time and some more recent. Most of these decisions are totally unconscious and a few we are aware.  

Purpose and Mission

Throughout our lives, our missions can change.  It seems that a purpose can change, and can even disappear.  By becoming clear about our purpose and our mission, it becomes easy to decide upon a direction or to make a choice in the moment. 


We are always getting results. Results are simply consequences of thoughts and actions–or lack thereof!  There are ways to obtain results which are easier and more deliberate than a haphazard attempt. By designing and aligning with these actions and thoughts, we create the inevitable outcome that we wish to experience.

About Me

In his life, William was a licensed FAA commercial pilot, a celestial navigator, a US Coast Guard licensed 50-Ton Master (Captain), an award-winning artist, a licensed massage therapist, a Reiki practitioner for 32 years,  a federal prisoner in the war on cannabis, a minister,  a college drop-out, writer, poet,  shipwright, a dishwasher, a ditchdigger,  a coach, a healer, a saint and a sinner.

William has survived two airplane crashes, (one he walked away, the second one he swam away as the aircraft sunk) a divorce, a traumatized childhood and way too much child abuse, and nearly dying several times. Once from hypothermia, another being hit by lightning, once from poisoning. He’s been held at gunpoint, and endured many hurricanes. Two of those hurricanes were while aboard boats, and one of those resulted in the midnight abandoning of a sailboat in hurricane winds and seas, 400 miles east of the Florida coast. William has been through bankruptcy, financial betrayals, and has lost everything he owned, including his professional accreditations. He is a walking model of resilience and encourages others to look for and create choices which enrich everyone concerned. 

What People Are Saying

“I didn’t know what to do with my nephew. He was becoming violent, disrespectful, got suspended from school and was hanging with the wrong crowd.  He had lost interest in sports and academics, really everything. Our family no longer knew who he was. William brought him back somehow, and Joey’s life has turned around.”  Brent R. 

“For almost 5 years, I had been working to make the leap to being a director at the company. I was taking my stress home, putting it on my family. I had little time to spend with my kids. At the office, it felt like I was functioning inside of a tornado. In less than 4 months of working with William, I became a director, gained the freedom to spend time with my wife and kids, and overcame tons of stress. My friends say that even my face looks different.  Thank you so much.”   Walter J. 

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Online Coaching Resources

Wellness eBook

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The Essentials of Goal Setting

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3 Week Career Workshop

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Don’t Wait Any Longer.  Become the Navigator and Creator of Your Own Path Today!